Tuesday, April 5
- • 2011-04-05 12Z - forecast only
- • 2011-04-05 06Z - forecast only
- • 2011-04-05 00Z - forecast only
A blog on the measurement and simulation of plumes and related atmospheric events
Monday, April 4
• 2011-04-04 12Z - forecast only
• 2011-04-04 06Z - forecast only
• 2011-04-04 00Z - forecast only
Sunday, April 3
• 2011-04-03 12Z - forecast only
• 2011-04-03 06Z - forecast only
• 2011-04-03 00Z - forecast only
Saturday, April 2
• 2011-04-02 18Z - forecast only
• 2011-04-02 12Z - forecast only
• 2011-04-02 06Z - forecast only
• 2011-04-02 00Z - forecast only
Cooling of spent fuel pools At approximately 8:21 am, March 20th, water discharge to Unit 4 by fire engine has started with the cooperation of Self-Defense Forces.Or because the graph shows counting performed for the whole day in California (as opposed to actual time period) another later event:
Cooling of Spent Fuel From 3: 05 PM to 5: 20 PM on March 20th, 40 tons of seawater was injected into Unit 2 by TEPCO employees.